Why You Should Wear Overalls in the Winter
Overalls are one of those clothing items that make me feel so ‘insert adjective that makes you feel amazing.’ I love wearing them whenever I can because I just feel so good in them. And if I’m being honest, I know that they are not the most flattering clothing item in the world, but sometimes that just doesn’t matter. Ya know?

You guys know that I’m a huge sucker for overalls. I’ve worn overalls too many times to count in the past couple of years (here, here, here, here and here), and I’m not going to stop any time soon. 🙂 The other day I was feeling so uninspired with what I had in my closet, and when I saw my favorite overalls hanging up I just had to pull them out. I totally relate overalls to spring and summer seasons, and while I have pulled them out in the winter once before, I still hesitated; for a split second.
As our house hunting escapades continue, we’re in Brooklyn more often on the weekends. which I actually really love. We spend so much time in Manhattan, and I love it so much, but it’s been such a nice change of scenery heading to Brooklyn. Also, I felt like I totally fit the Brooklyn vibes in these overalls too. What do you think? These overalls are Levis. I bought them last year, and while I can’t find the exact pair right now, I’ve found a handful that are very similar and equally as cute, like these, these and these. Overalls are one of those clothing items that make me feel so ‘insert adjective that makes you feel amazing.’ I love wearing them whenever I can because I just feel so good in them. And if I’m being honest, I know that they are not the most flattering clothing item in the world, but sometimes that just doesn’t matter. Ya know? I have my eye on so many overalls for the spring and summer, I cannot wait! Happy Friday everyone! I hope you have an amazing weekend! On Saturday, Jordan and I are taking some photos together for Valentine’s Day. I can’t wait!

XO – With Love, Em